Friday, September 23, 2011

Visiting Miss GraceE

I am now at Miss GraceE's house enjoying watching her skate and do her school work. Today was a special day because her aunt took some pictures of her. Loving every minute.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

From the Big Island

Hello my little ones,

It seems that spring has come and into summer we are. You have finished your schooling and off on adventures for the summer break.

While you visit family and friends remember that these lazy days of summer will be memories of what you keep when you grow up.

Enjoy the days,

With much love,


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spring is Coming

Good Morning Grandkids,

Spring is coming, yes we do have seasons here in Hawaii. In the pictures it shows that we are always green and we are but there are different flowers and plants that grow at different times of the year. And now that it is Spring time they are. The Plumeria trees are started to get all there flowers and there leaves. They lose them during the winter. The hybiscus are starting to bloom also. And the smells are so fragrant.

Love you,

Sending hugs and kisses


Sunday, March 06, 2011

A Taste of Spring


Gamma and Pa have been very busy working in the yard. I just posted to FaceBook the changes were have made and the beautiful blooms we are getting.

Sending our love.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

We are one BIG family


I is now 2011 and since my last posting of 2007 much as happened in all of our lives. You have all grown so much and with each passing day I realize that in your growing up we are here in Hawaii. We saw all of you last June and I am in awe of how talented and beautiful and wonderful all of you are. Pa and I love all of you equally for as grandparents we can do that you know. We get to see the potential. We raised your dad's and your mom and they have turned out to be quite marvelous. You see them differently and you see yourselves differently than we your grandparents do.

Our stay at each house was a wonderful delight for you shared your dreams and your frustrations and your secrets too.

The most amazing thought is that we are one BIG family.

Love and hugs and kisses,


Sunday, August 19, 2007


Hello Grandkids,

I sent pictures in March of Pa and him working and relaxing. I thought I would send a couple pictures of me.

These were taken in Indiana.

Hugs and Kisses and Love to all of you.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Here's Pa

Hi to all our wonderful Grandkids - All 7 of you.

Just wanted to post some pictures of Pa for you to see. He works very hard at trimming the trees and then he likes to relax by walking in the sand.

Love to all.