Wednesday, February 22, 2006

As of 11:30 a.m. this morning I am no longer unemployed. And all I had to do was show up and they were prepared for me. Now is that amazing work from the Lord or what. By word of mouth they were ready for me to start and the interview process was basically formality. Didn't even want to see my resume. and on top of that - hours are wonderful - 8:30 to noon and 1:00 to 4:30 and half day Wednesday. God is so wonderful - all that I had asked he delivered and then some. Thank you Lord

I go in Friday morning and then again on Saturday morning to take minutes at a meeting.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Change around the Bend

Well I went around the bend and now I'm living it out. Trusting in God. I walked into my job on the 31st of January and was told that I was terminated from the company and could leave. I was paid for the whole week though. I do not recall that I have ever been terminated from a position before, so felt that I could/should have done something different.

It has now been two weeks and still working on trusting God for provisions. Will keep you posted on what happens next on my adventure.