Monday, June 12, 2006

Missing Each One Of You

Looking over this blog for the month of May and I posted absolutely nothing. Wasup with that?! - Here I am in Hawaii, on the Big Island and did not post anything to my dear grandchildren. You were on my mind each of every one of you for the whole month of May but nothing got put down so that you could actually read it and print it and look back at it again so for the month of June (yikes it is already the 12th) I'm going to write down a few things for each of you.

Greg - I miss your humor - how you can say something and I can laugh and know just how profound your words are. I love when you pray. Thank you

Ashley - I miss your singing - and I miss the times that we sing together - You do not care that I miss the tone of the note - you sing right along. Thank you.

GraceE - I miss your hand holding mine and just talking together. Such trust - thank you.

James - I miss your laughter and your kisses which you so freely give. thank you.

Bill - I miss your attention to detail and how you make everyone feel comfortable - how well you discern. thank you.

Wendy - I miss your sweetness - how you turn a day at the beach into a precious memory. thank you.

Emma May - I miss your smell - a special fragrance that touches a gamma's heart. thank you.

Gamma is sending all my love and hugs and kisses too.