Thursday, April 27, 2006

Saved voice mail messages

I have been saving voice mail messages on my phone messaging system for some time now. I like to play them back every now and then just to hear the sound of my kids and grandkids voices. Am I the only one. After a hectic day at the office or just to hear the voices gives me a much needed lift in my heart. It is something in the voice which captures my heart and lets me know that I am special. Being so far away from the children and grandchildren has its ups and downs. We (dh) know and understand that each of our three children have lives and responsibilities of their own. We are so thankful that each child stays in touch, keeps us up on the latest of what the children are doing and leaves precious little messages on the phone or emails the latest picture. The Lord has us right where we are so supposed to be for this time in our lives. This is what sustains me during this time, knowing that God is Faithful and keeps all things. And my prayer is and always will be to Keep them until the day of Your return.

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